Oct 5, 2006

what's real/important?

It’s time to get a grip, take a realistic look at the facts that are known, and focus on what is really important. It is a real tragedy that there are those, even in the houses of congress, who will exploit children. It is criminal and perverse and should be punished without question. However, there are those on the left that are using this matter to try to influence elections in November.
So what do we know? According to reports, three years ago there were “innocuous” emails sent to the victim, a then 16 year old page, by Rep Foley. The parents of the victim reported the matter to officials in congress and requested only that Rep Foley cease all communications with their son. Rep Foley was questioned; he denied any wrong doing and agreed to stop communicating with the victim. The parents indicated that they were satisfied with the actions taken by Congress officials.
Fast forward three years… Speaker Hasstert was made aware on Friday, September 30, 2006, that Rep Foley has been sending salacious IM’s (instant messages) to the now adult, former victim page. Upon being notified, Speaker Hasstert immediately requested and received Rep Foley’s resignation and has demanded a thorough investigation into the matter.
The left would have us believe that this is something that Republicans knew all along and kept quiet until the left bravely, and conveniently, brought to the attention of the public. At this point there is no indication that the left’s position has any basis in fact. It’s all speculation.
Going into the elections the left needs the public to focus on ANYTHING but the issues and how much progress the Republicans have made. Just to name a few advances the Dems want us to ignore: thanks to the Presidents tax cuts, our economy is BOOMING! Progress made in the war on terrorism has made us safer here at home. The war in IRAQ is far more successful than popularly reported in the media. Measures have been passed that address some of the issues with illegal immigration. We now have prescriptions for all seniors at lower prices and educators are being held more accountable for educating our children.
In a hypocritical move the left wants us to focus on the contrived and possibly non-existent failings of the Republican Party majority in dealing with the issues surrounding the Foley incident. Of course they forget how nonchalant they were about the sexual exploits of their supreme master “Slick Willy”. When Bill Clinton was derelict in his duties and ignoring national security, while taking advantage of the intern pool, the left cried foul that anyone would dare stick their noses into the “personal” affairs of the president in a consensual relationship.
In using the left’s position, if the Republican officials took care of the problem to the satisfaction of the parents of the juvenile victim when he was a juvenile (and unable to consent), how is it an issue worth attention if these IM’s were exchanged between the now adult (and now able to consent) ex-page and Rep Foley? The conduct is disgusting and immoral but now that it is occurring between consenting adults how is it an issue?
I think it is a mistake for the left to make such a political gamble in this matter.
It’s a typical smear campaign designed to obfuscate the fact that the Democrats have no plan and no new ideas to promote. They (Democrats) still think the American people are more concerned with sexual scandals than with national security. Sad. I certainly don’t want someone who is that ignorant of what is really important representing me!

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